

Yichao Yan

Assistant Professor, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Google Scholar Github

Email: yanyichao(at)sjtu.edu.cn

Office: 5-510, Software building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


We have a light stage and a motion/volume capture device. We have abundant GPUs. image

Opening Positions

I am a co-chair of the SJTU [AIGC Class]. Looking for self-motivated undergraduate and graduate students to work with me in computer vision, AIGC, and 3D modeling. For prospective students, please send your resume and transcript to my email.


Since May. 2021, I am a tenure-track assistant professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I received my PhD degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2019, supervised by Professor Xiaokang Yang. I received M. E. from École Centrale de Lyon in France. I received B. E. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2013. I was a research scientist at the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IIAI) from June 2019 to April 2021.

I am interested in computer vision problems. Typically, I am working on (1) 3D face/body modeling (2) Human motion generation and analysis (3) AIGC.


